Friday, September 11, 2009

Jerusalem Thus far

It has been a great experience so far living in the Holy Land. The BYU Center for Near Eastern Studies is amazing. They did such a great job with the housing, architecture, and overall layout. It is located about a half a mile from the North East corner of the old city on Mt. Scopus. The Mount of Olives is just to the south. Jerusalem has such a great atmosphere with the different cultures and religions mixed into one sacred city. Israel is actually really nice compared to places I have been. I was shocked with the taxis. Probably 60% of them are Mercedes. There are around 80 students here studying. The classes are located on the 6th floor and the main entrance is on the 8th. The housing follows the hill down from levels 5-1. There is an exit on the bottom which provides easy access to the city. We have student cards that we scan at the outside doors every time we leave or enter. The landscape is so beautiful all around the center. Almost all of the rooms have an amazing view of the old city, including the housing units. The food is great here. We are taken care of.


  1. I get to see you everyday! AND read richie's blog! life is too good.

  2. I love that you are blogging. Look how many friends you already have commenting. I'm impressed. The center sounds absolutely incredible.
